A downloadable game

*Editors Note: This game is by no means near completion. The main purpose for me posting it up at this stage in development is so that i can other people give me feed back and help fine tune the inner mechanics of the game. I also wanted to help me alpha test it by helping me find hidden bugs that i haven't been able to find myself.

Hey this is a game meant to bring you back to past, only made with 4 different  colors and a world that you have to figure out with your imagination.  If you download this game and are able to complete it please let me know!!!! I would love to hear your feed back.  I also would like  to hear about any bugs that you came across in your journey to help me further better the game Cheers!


esc = pause

movement = w,a,s,d

item = e 

attack = left mouse button

interact = left mouse button


ProjectGreenV0.1.9.exe 69 MB

Development log

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